Business Strategy

Business strategy mandates at Devcas revolve mainly around strategic planning exercises, organizing and leading business retreats, and coaching on specific strategic issues.

Business strategy mandates are increasingly likely to be an integral part of merger & acquisition mandates. In fact, they may take place either before the merger & acquisition process (strategic planning) or, in a more restricted form, during the merger and acquisition process (coaching on a specific strategic issue, such as a business development plan for a particular market).

Devcas’s strength lies in our ability to design, develop and implement effective, practical business strategies that promote organizational growth and longevity. Our approach elicits the full participation of all the managers in your organization. This participatory approach facilitates the development of constructive and timely responses to the challenges your company is facing and creates optimal conditions for the implementation of the strategies identified

5 steps

Strategic plan

Effective and timely solutions
